Category: PD Recruiting

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Police Department Recruiting

Career Opportunities with the Alamosa Police Department

The Alamosa Police Department offers competitive career opportunities for qualified individuals. Applications will be considered from individuals who are currently Colorado Peace Officer Standard and Training (P.O.S.T.) certified or currently enrolled in a Colorado P.O.S.T. approved academy. Applications will also be considered from individuals who are currently P.O.S.T. approved in another state with at least one year of employment with his or her current agency. For more information on Colorado P.O.S.T. requirements, visit the Colorado Attorney General’s Office

The Alamosa Police Department is currently accepting applications to establish an eligibility list for the position of police officer

Applications are accepted on a continual basis

Please submit to Human Resources, or mail your application to the following address:

PD Recruitment, City of Alamosa
425 4th Street
Alamosa, CO 81101

Information regarding testing will be sent out to eligible applicants by email

  • Physical Agility Test (Medical Waiver must be turned in before you can test)
  • Written Test
  • Oral Board Interviews

Interested persons are encouraged to contact the Office Manager either by completing the form below, phone: (719) 589-2548, or stopping by the Alamosa Police Department during normal business hours

Contact Alamosa Police Department | Office Manager

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